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Module "deploy/keycloak-packager"


Type aliases


KeycloakScriptPackagerConfig: { deployedJarFileName?: undefined | string; jarExecutable?: undefined | string; keycloakAccessibleBaseUrl: string; keycloakDeploymentLocation?: undefined | string; tempDirectory?: undefined | string }

Type declaration

  • Optional deployedJarFileName?: undefined | string

    name of the jar file that should be created by the packager. if not specified the name of the current folder will be used.

  • Optional jarExecutable?: undefined | string

    name of the program to create the jar. This is defaulted to the jar string to assume that the jar program is installed in the target environment and available in the PATH.

  • keycloakAccessibleBaseUrl: string

    Mandatory, root url of express http service as it can be reached from keycloak server. This is used to create the full endpoint of the authenticator to tell keycloak how to reach it.

  • Optional keycloakDeploymentLocation?: undefined | string

    path to the keycloak deployments folder where the jar file should be placed so keycloak can pick it up. Typically it is /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/deployments. If not provided it is set to the current folder

  • Optional tempDirectory?: undefined | string

    location of a temporary directory where the jar content will be constructed. By default it will use the current process location

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